Tuesday, October 1, 2019

It is that spooky time of year again...2019

Halloween 2019 and our neighborhood decorating contest!

For those who wish to participate, decorate your home and go all out!

Voting starts the week of October 21st through 26th, with the results announced at our “October Night Out” on October 27th, 2019.

Please keep in mind that River Trails homes are contenders (north of River Trails Blvd to Trinity Blvd, Salado Trail to Precinct Line).

Cash awards & certificates will be given to paid and current RTHA members for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places. Certificates will be given to non-paid RTHA members for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places.  

Cash prizes at $25, $20, and $15 for current members.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Trinity Hike & Bike Trails connecting to River Trails!

Trinity Trails - River Trails Park to River Legacy Park Trail

An addition of Trinity Trails will soon hook up into our River Trails Park as part of the expansion plan to connect Fort Worth and Dallas.  At some point, we will be able to ride our bikes or walk/jog from River Trails all the way to downtown Fort Worth, and eventually even eastward to Dallas.

Trinity Trails - River Trails to River Legacy Park Connection Plan

Project Description
Design and construction for the expansion of the Trinity Trails system, including, but not limited to, connecting from River Trails Park to River Legacy Park at the boundary with the City of Arlington and locations where city funds can be leveraged through grants and partnerships with other organizations and agencies to create expanded recreational and accessible trail opportunities.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

River Trails HOA Annual Easter Egg Dash

Lots of fun was had at our annual
River Trails HOA Easter Egg Dash!

Funding for these fun events come from our $25 per household annual HOA Membership dues.  If you would like to participate in these events and see more events like these happen, please become a member and join our HOA!
become a member button