Thursday, September 27, 2018

Did you know?

Did you know?

 There are about 1600 families living in our River Trails neighborhood.  Out of those 1600, only about 100 families are paid members of our HOA, and even fewer families donating their time and talent to the betterment of our community.  With a $25 annual donation and only 100 families participating, that is only $2,500 per year our HOA has to fund various activities and improvements.  That's not much, which means not much can be done.
If everyone donated just $25/year, that is around $40,000/yr that could go to the beautification and betterment of our community.  Those funds can go towards fun community activities, better communications, and neighborhood amenities and beautification that will help maintain or even increase the value of our homes!

Please consider becoming a member of our HOA and donating your $25 annual membership fee and a little of your time and talent.  A little really does go a long way!  

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